Ideal for: Anyone with people management responsibilities
Length: One day
Course Cost: £200 per person
MHFA Champions have:
An understanding of common mental health issues
Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
Ability to spot signs of mental ill-health
Skills to support positive wellbeing
What to expect from the MHFA Champions course:
The basics of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and how to implement a step-by-step action plan in a mental health crisis.
An in-depth look at key skills to utilise when using MFHA, such as non-judgemental listening.
Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders, as well as other mental health issues such as eating disorders, self-harm and psychosis.
Key information about mental health stigma and discrimination, how it can present and how to combat it.
Early warning signs of mental ill-health plus early intervention techniques.
Workplace wellness information and stress management skills for building a mentally healthy workplace.
The link between mental ill-health, alcohol, and other substances.
Through group activities, presentations and discussions, each session is built around a Mental Health First Aid action plan.
We can deliver MHFA Champions training to a maximum of 16 people per course so the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn and the delegates can feel comfortable enough to discuss sensitive topics.
Upon completion of the course, everyone receives:
An MHFA manual to keep and refer to whenever required
A certificate to say they are an Mental Health Champion
A reference card for the Mental Health First Aid action plan
A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support your own mental health
A copy of the Line Managers’ Resource, an invaluable source of advice on how to support an employee experiencing mental ill-health.
Our MHFA Champions Course qualifies you as an MHFA Champion. Book your place here