(half day)

Ideal for: Everyone
Length: Half day
Mental Health Aware Course Cost: £125 per person

Our half-day Mental health Aware course is an introductory four-hour session to raise awareness of mental health.

The MH Aware Course is designed to give:

  • An understanding of what mental health is and how to challenge stigma.
  • A basic knowledge of common mental health issues.
  • An introduction to looking after your own mental health and maintaining wellbeing.
  • Confidence to support someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.

What to expect from the MH Aware Course

The one-day MH Aware course will cover: 

  • The basics of mental health and the factors that can affect it.
  • Mental health stigma and how to fight it.
  • Stress and stress management skills.
  • How to spot signs of distress and what to do about it.
  • Basic insight into mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, self-harm, psychosis and suicide.
  • Mental health recovery and helpful resources.
  • Supporting mental health in the workplace and other useful support techniques.
  • Alcohol, drugs and how they impact mental health.

Through group activities, presentations and discussions, each session is built around a Mental Health First Aid action plan. We can deliver training to a maximum of 16 people per course. Small groups mean the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn.

Why MH Awareness Training is important

Mental Health First Aid training is an essential skill in the workplaces. Every year, employees across the UK suffer mental ill-health, and working days are lost due to work-related stress. 

But this is where Mental Health Aware training can help.

Employees who are equipped with Mental Health Aware training can help colleagues who may be suffering in silence.

Employees will be taught how to identify key warning signs of poor mental health, as well as how to sensitively approach colleagues who may be at risk.

Mental Health Aware training teaches lifelong skills of how we can best manage our own mental health, too. Providing these necessary skills helps save lives. MH Aware Courses not only help the person trained, but the lives and circumstances of others, too.

In addition, MH Aware training provides a springboard for open discourse within the workplace, helping to nurture a healthy workplace environment. Colleagues will be more likely to discuss worries either openly or confidentially, without fear of judgement. Workplace issues can therefore be handled correctly.

Dealing with issues early is key

Talking can be cathartic for mental health issues. Empowering employees with knowledge to manage their own mental health will help them to help others. This healthy cycle is beneficial for supportive communication and can resolve stresses in a healthy, collaborative manner.

The more people we can train, the more stigmas we can eradicate, and the more lives we can benefit.

Upon completion of the course:

Everyone receives:

  • A manual to refer to whenever they need it.
  • A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support their own mental health.
  • A certificate of attendance to say they are Mental Health Aware.

What is a Mental Health Awareness Course?

A MHFA Aware course is an accredited training course that teaches employees how to spot and help the signs and symptoms of mental health issues. The MH Aware course is designed for everyone, regardless of their experience or knowledge of mental health. It gives employees the basic knowledge, skills and confidence to support someone in a crisis. Individuals can then be signposted to the right mental health professionals.

How Do I Become Mental Health Aware?

Studying an accredited MH Aware course is a good way to get an understanding of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues. There are different types of courses available, so it’s important to choose one that is accredited by MHFA England.

What Are The Business Benefits of the
Mental Health Aware Courses?

Stress is the biggest cause of long-term absence from work and costs businesses millions every year. By improving employee mental health via MHFA training, organisations can see a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of their employees. Companies may also see a reduction in sickness absence figures. Managing mental health in the workplace by investing in Mental Health Aware training may also increase overall productivity in your workplace.

We also offer one-day and two-day courses: MHFA Champions, Mental Health first Aid Training, an MHFA Refresher course and a Suicide First Aid Course